Saturday 10 March 2007

a she or a he or a she-he

We have got 1 week to go before our new baby girl is born. I hope it is a she - not because I care if she is a he or a she ( i would prefer to not have a he-she, but I am liberal so I would still love him or her wether or not she/he/it was a TV) but because our house has gone pink crazy. Pink room, pink buggy, pink clothes, pink dummy; the list is endless and expensive. If she is a he, he is either going to cost me a fortune in changing everything we bought or he will just have to become confident enough in his sexuality to cope wearing pink at football practice.

how it all began

No gory details - I won't bore you, just a quick synopsis. I got together with my wife 8 years ago. It was quite romantic really - at a university ball, except after kissing me in a quite romantic way she then went a snogged two of my friends. The first date went better - no one apart from me was kissed (I think). 1 year later I proposed. 1 year later she said yes. 2 years later we were married and 3 years after that we tried for a child. And it worked. Feeling manly and proud I told the world ( including a policeman who stopped us for speeding on the way to the ultrasound - who let us off. ). That is how it all began.